Heres the thing

Thoughts on ministry, faith, missions and more

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Serving Now- Part 3/3

After hearing the message on serving in the adult service and the StoCo service you would think I would have gotten what it means to serve. But during the week I had an encounter at home that was pretty selfish. As I was sitting on the computer writing emails- my wife was on the coach feeling sick. She mentioned she wanted me to go do a load of I was going to go do that- after finishing some work...some time went buy and she reminded me...and also asked if I would make her some tea. The question was also posed- "what are you working on"...and at that moment I was caught up looking at some funny video on Youtube. Needless to say my procrastination did not serve her well...she didn't feel cared for and although I had the intention of eventually helping her...that didn't do much for the moment.

the next day at church i passed by two of our staff having a meeting. A few moments later they were on their knees fixing a broken leg on a couch. They noticed something that needed to be done- and although they were busy- they stopped what they were doing and served. They didn't just go tell someone that it needed to be done- they did it.

So here's the thing- When you have a heart of serving you are not only looking for ways to serve but you are willing to stop what your doing and serve. The meeting can wait- you can come back to your can call that person back. Who knows what can happen in the moment that you serve? Maybe what happens- only happens to you...your heart transforms in the understand Christ a little more.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Savior Serving,

Its an amazing feeling to do something for someone that, if not done would never get done. Even if the recognition is minimal there is a type of high that is hard to match. If you have ever helped someone that was in desperate need you know what I'm talking about. I think the blessing that comes through serving and giving to others is designed by God. He wants you to feel that incredible feeling. And once you get a taste of it- you want more...its an addiction to helping others. A healthy addiction that brings with it a rush of emotions.

I believe God wants us to feel the rewards of serving...not the earthly reward of recognition...but the eternal reward that gives us a glimpse of Gods glory. There is a danger though...of developing a savior complex...and the line is all to easy to cross. We can go from...I'm doing things that show Gods doing a lot of good things...I'm saving people...I'm a blessing. And soon we replace Christ as savior and put ourselves in his place.

Think about it...have you ever done it? Have you ever seen yourself as the savior of those you help...said in the back of your mind..."If it wasn't for me these people would still be suffering." Now in reality- no glory can be taken from God...we just block the view. God will accomplish his will- with or without me. And maybe God did use you...and no one else would have come along...but we still need to be aware of the attitude that "good things happen because of me"...rather it is because of Gods work through us.

And don't get me wrong...if people are doing the work of God...and trying to take the credit...i wont stop them. I wont stop them from feeding the poor...or building homes, of giving large amounts of money. Gods glory can go nowhere except to him. The addiction of doing good things is a blessing...its a gift from God. And when we realize that there is no better feeling than to be a part of Gods mission than we are truly blessed- with a heavenly reward. If you develop a savior complex-addicted to recognition- addicted to being the savior- just realize..the rewards of heaven are much greater than the recognition of earth.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Serving from the Heart

This week we saw a great video- bring Serving Back. But what would it look like to really bring serving back...or to bring our hearts back to serving. There are three motives that tend to drive us to serving.

Pitifully Serving (Part 1)

When we see the commercials play on TV...or hear the bell ringing at Christmas time as we leave Walmart...there is something inside of us that gets tugged...maybe its guilt...maybe shame...or its pity-a genuine feeling sorry for someone else. Many times this is where the motivation to serve starts. We experience a sort of pity for someone less fortunate then us. Maybe they were born into it...perhaps they hit a run of bad luck...or ran into the wrong people...what ever it is...we feel bad.

I think you know what I mean. We here these circumstances that cause us to think..."wow..that's horrible..I should help" The initial response we have to help is great...if we really follow through with it. But there can be a downfall to serving out of pity as well.

We learn from the book of not think of yourself higher than you ought. Have you ever caught yourself thinking..."I need to help this person...because they need ME" Notice the emphasis, its subtle, it can sneak up on you. Its the idea that some how I'm better than the person I'm serving...the genuine ache that you might have felt can turn into pride- This is what makes Jesus example so important. When he washes the disciples is no prideful thing. Its actually somewhat disgusting...but he does it anyway. When he is finished he basically says- now you do the same thing...and don't think there is anything or anyone your to good for.

Our motive may start with a genuine sorrow for someones situation...but we need to check our hearts to be sure that by serving- we not making more of ourselves then we ought.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


I have had several conversations this week that have kept me up late in the world can we reach this generation. A generation confused...lost. A generation dealing with temptations of designer drugs (in addition to the "normal drugs"), perversions of sexuality, dependence on acceptance, loneliness of broken families, and the ever present reality of materialism. Even in "healthy" homes students face these realities...they see friends blinded by the "fun" of it all...

The truth is... students are paralyzed. Maybe they seem to function fine...but they just cant seem to move towards who God made them to be. Many students are paralyzed because their identity is in something else besides Christ. Maybe their identify is in someone else- or just pursuing a relationship with someone else. When we find our identity in something other than Christ...then we will not be who God made us to be. So what do we do?

I think this week's message at church (connect) about the paralytic lowered down through a hole in the roof, is the summary of how we help people find their way back to God. We all have things in our life that will keep us on our mat- things that paralyze us. Sin seperates us from God...It is not these things that keep us from is our unwillingness to seek out relationships with other Christ followers that keep us on our mats. Even if we surround ourselves with Christ followers- are they aware of our paralysis?

When it comes to our students...many of them will not want to share their downfalls, sins, struggles, pains....unless they believe that we are not there to judge, to fix, to direct, to discipline, but we are there to bring them to Christ. That we will do anything to get them in front of Christ- where their true identity is found. We will carry them up steps...and dig through roofs...we will do whatever it takes to help them see Christ. That needs to be our motivation...our passion.

When we see students paralyzed- we can not look at them and say- "their sin is keeping them from Christ". We need to say..."what can I do to help them see Christ" get them to the only one who can remove the paralysis. It happens in community- its not up to just one person. Develop your small group, the leaders around you to look for ways to get their peers directly in front of Christ. If this is our focus- we will see students getting up of their mats and walking...running for Christ.

Friday, January 12, 2007

A new direction...

This blog was primarily a blog about Africa...but I really don't want to start a new site- so I will just go a new direction. Recently I started apprenticeship at my church CCC. Basically I'm learning how to become a reproducing leader at a reproducing church. I have not thrown my training or previous experience to the side...but I will say that the culture at CCC is different than that of the churches I was trained to go in to. Add student ministry to the mix and its a whole new game.

The past 2 weeks have been crazy...After returning from MN for Christmas I had a few days to prepare for the trip to NY with my StuCo small group. We did a roadtrip that I believe has brought our group closer together. I'm really excited about how excited my small group of high school guys are about the 3c's (celebrate/connect/contribute). After the trip (we are using the footage as a tool to teach) I was dead tired...Driving over 2000 miles in a few days...on of which we stood for 12 hours in one tiring. Take some time to view the videos on youtube.