What if?
What if everyone you know was a part of your church...or your ministry (by this Im impling mission) ? How does that make you feel...does that make you cringe or smile? Angela and I went to dinner last night with a friend and on our way home I had a thought about how excited I would be to be a part of a church were all the friends and family we know were attending and contributing in some way. But isn't that what Christ desires? Isn't that his dream as well?
We know some incredible people...and the impact that they could have and will have on this world is tremendous. And this is Gods desire...that we would see the people around us as a part of his plan...include them in the things God is about.
Reaching the world around us starts with the people we already know. Because everyone we know can be a part of this mission...maybe they are incredibly caring...or have a gift of knowledge...or they can build things with their hands...or welcome people with their smiles. Include people where they are- in the way they have been gifted. Trust God in all of this.